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Alat Uji Vibration Meter For Heavy Duty

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Alat Uji Getaran Vibration meter heavy duty

Instrument Alat Uji Getaran Vibration Meter untuk Heavy Duty - 407860

Alat uji vibration meter merupakan alat uji yang mengukur dari getaran yang terjadi pada mesin-mesin industri, baik pompa, motor, turbin, dan lain-lain. alat ini dapat di sambungkan dengan pc karena data pengukuran dapat disimpan dan di tampilkan kembali ke dalam PC.

Fitur dari Alat Uji Vibration Meter 407860

  • Ranges - Acceleration: 200m/s2, Velocity: 200mm/s, Displacement: 2mm
  • Remote vibration sensor with magnetic adapter on 39"(1m) cable
  • Record mode stores the maximum and minimum values for later recall
  • Wide frequency range of 10Hz to 1kHz
  • Resolution to 0.5m/s2, 0.5mm/s, and 0.005mm
  • Basic accuracy of ±(5% + 2 digits)
  • RMS or Peak Value measurement modes
  • Data Hold, Auto shut-off
  • 9V battery power or optional AC adaptor
  • Built-in RS-232 PC serial interface with optional Data Acquisition Software

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Alat Uji CO Meter

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Alat UJi CO Meter Karbonmonoksida

Instrument Alat Uji Karbonmonoksida atau CO Meter - CO10

Alat ini digunakan untuk mengetahui kadar karbonmonoksida dalam suatu area, alat ini menjadi penting karena molekul CO ketika terhisap ke dalam paru-paru maka kemampuan ia berikatan dengan hemoglobin lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan oksigen. Oleh karena itu jika kadarnya berlebihan akan membahayakan. Molekul CO dapat ditimbulkan oleh pembakaran mesin yang tidak sempurna sehingga yang dihasilkannya gas karbonmonoksia. Kita pernah mendengar anak-anak yang tewas di dalam mobil yang tertutup sedangkan ac dalam kondisi menyala, maka mesin tidak terjadi pembakaran sempurna.

Fitur dari CO meter

  • Easy to read 1999 count backlit displays CO levels from 0 to 1000ppm
  • 1ppm resolution with ±5% or ±10ppm basic accuracy (whichever is greater)
  • Utilizes a stabilized electrochemical gas specific (CO) fast response sensor
  • Audible alarm starts at 35ppm
  • Backlight for low light conditions

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Pen Vibration Meter VB400

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Alat uji getaran Pen vibration Meter

Instrument Alat Uji Getaran Pen Vibration Meter - VB400

Alat uji VB400 merupakan instrumentasi alat uji yang sangat praktis, digunakan untuk mengukur getaran yang terjadi pada mesin-mesin produksi. Getaran pada mesin dapat saja terjadi akibat adanya friksi yang berlebihan dan telah terjadi aus atau mobilisasi mesin.

Fitur Vibration Pen Meter VB400

  • Measures RMS Acceleration and Velocity with metric and imperial units of measure
  • Measurement ranges:
    • Acceleration (RMS): 656ft/s2; 20.39g; 200m/s2
    • Velocity (RMS): 7.87in/s; 2.00cm/s; 200mm/s
  • Wide frequency range of 10Hz to 1kHz
  • Resolution to 1ft/s2; 0.01g; 0.1m/s2 and 0.02in/s; 0.01cm/s; 0.1mm/s
  • Basic accuracy of ±(5% + 2 digits)
  • Zero adjustment, Data Hold, Low battery indicator
  • Water and dust resistant to IP65
  • Complete with test pin tip, magnetic base, 4 x AAA batteries, and pouch case

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Alat Uji Getaran Vibration Pen VB 400

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Alat Uji Magnetic Field Meter (Gauss Meter) MF100

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Alat Uji Magnetic Field Meter Gauss Meter Tesla Meter Kekuatan medan magnet

Instrument Alat Uji Kekuatan Medan Magnet - Magnetic Field Meter - Gauss Meter - Tesla Meter MF 100 Extech

Alat uji MF 100 merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kekuatan medan magnet, gauss meter, atau tesla meter. MF100 memiliki dua sumber daya, AC atau pun DC dengan hasil pengukuran nilai gauss yang berbeda. Alat ini sangat tepat untuk mengukur medan magnet yang ditimbulkan oleh alat elektronika, komponen listrik, dan lain-lain,

Fitur Magnetic Field Meter MF 100

  • Utilizes Hall effect sensor with ATC (Automatic Temperature Compensation)
  • N pole/S pole indicator
  • Zero button for DC measurement
  • Data Hold and Min/Max
  • Auto power off with disable
  • Complete with uniaxial magnetic probe sensor and protective cover, 9V battery, and hard carrying case

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Alat Uji Kekuatan Medan Magnet

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Alat Uji InfraRed Thermometer IR100

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Alat Uji Temperature Non Contact Infrared Thermometer

Instrument Alat Uji Infrared Thermometer - IR 100 Extech

Infrared Thermometer merupakan alat uji yang sering digunakan karena kemudahannya mengukur suhu dari suatu kondisi. Selain karen bentuknya mini, alat ini mampu membaca suhu -34 to 446°F (-33 to 230°C) dengan jarak minimal 5 cm hingga 91 cm.

Fitur infrared Thermometer IR 100 Extech

• Temperature range from -34 to 446°F (-33 to 230°C) 
• Economical mini size design for convenience 
• Automatic Data Hold when measure button is released 
• Max Hold or Min Hold 
• Lock feature for continuous scanning 
• Fixed emissivity covers 90% of surface applications 
• Auto power off 
• Complete with CR2032 3V battery


Measure hot spots in electrical panels and equipment 
• In Process temperature measurements 
• Measure surface temperature of objects that are unsafe to contact 
• Measure surface temperature of objects that hard to reach

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Alat Uji InfraRed Thermometer IR 100 Extech

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Alat Uji Coating Thickness 262

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Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness gauge

Instrument Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness Gauge - Leeb 262

Seri terakhir dari coating thickness buatan leeb, dilengkapi dengan print out saat data diambil, Metode pengukuran dengan magnetik induction atau Eddy Current.

Fitur Alat Uji Coating thickness

  1. Data transmission: USB, can be connected to the PC.
  2. Rechargeable lithium-battery.
  3. Wireless printing available.
  4. Two methods of power off: Manual & Automatically.
  5. Limit settings: alarm if one of the measurement data is beyond of the limits.
  6. Deleting function: You can delete one of the doubtful data and you can also delete all of data in the memory to prepare for new measurement.
  7. Saving function: capable of 500 sets of measurement value.
  8. Two optional methods available to calibrate the gauge, and you can calibrate system error of the probe using basic calibration method.
  9. Five statistical data: Mean Value, Maximum Value, Minimum Value, Measurement, Standard Deviation.

Measuring Material:
  1. Non magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates (such as aluminum, chromium, copper, zinc, tin, rubber, paint on the steel, iron, alloy and magnetic steel) . (Fe)
  2. Non conductive coating on non magnetic metal (such as rubber, plastic, paint, oxide on aluminum,copper, zinc, tin) . (NFe)
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Alat Uji Coating Thickness 250A Series

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Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness Gauge

Intrument Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness Gauge - 250A/251A/252A

Alat uji ketebalan cat coating thickness gauge adalah alat uji dengan type non destructive artinya pengujian tanpa merusak specimen yang diuji.

Fitur Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness Gauge

  1. English menu.
  2. One button operation.
  3. Probe on the instrument, more compact size.

Measuring Material:

  1. Non magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates (such as aluminum, chromium, copper, zinc, tin, rubber, paint on the steel, iron, alloy and magnetic steel) . (Fe)
  2. Non conductive coating on non magnetic metal (such as rubber, plastic, paint, oxide on aluminum, copper, zinc, tin) . (NFe)

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Alat Uji Coating Thickness 250 Series

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Alat Uji Ketebalan cat coating thickness gauge

Instrument Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness Gauge - Leeb 250/251/252/253

Alat Uji Ultrasonic thickness merupakan alat yang dengan praktis dan mudah untuk mengukur ketabalan cat, baik basenya adalah Fe maupun non Fe.Perbedaan series 250 dengan yang lain adalah diameter minimum arenya lebih besar dan pada type 253 range pengukuran hingga 6000μm.

Fitur Coating Thickness Gauge 250 series
  1. English menu.
  2. One button operation.
  3. Probe on the instrument, more compact size.
  4. Leeb253 is especially for fireproof coating.

Measuring Material:
  1. Non magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates (such as aluminum, chromium, copper, zinc, tin, rubber, paint on the steel, iron, alloy and magnetic steel) . (Fe)
  2. Non conductive coating on non magnetic metal (such as rubber, plastic, paint, oxide on aluminum, copper, zinc, tin) . (NFe)

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Alat Uji Coating Thickness 230/231/232

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alat Uji ketebalan cat coating thickness gauge

Instrument Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness Gauge 230/231/232

Untuk kondisi yang buruk atau heavy duties, instrument alat uji coating thickness seri 230 sangat tepat karena casing berupa full metal. untuk fungsi dan fitur hampir sama dengan versi sebelumnya di 220.

Fitur alat uji coating thickness gauge 230/231/232
  1. Fully enclosed metal shell, strong anti-interference ability, can be used in bad environment.
  2. Two patterns of working: pattern of direct and pattern of group.
  3. Two methods of power off: Manual & Automatically.
  4. Show battery information in real time.
  5. Limit settings: alarm if one of the measurement data is beyond of the limits.
  6. Deleting function: You can delete one of the doubtful data and you can also delete all of data in the memory to prepare for new measurement.
  7. Saving function: capable of 500 sets of measurement value.
  8. Two optional methods available to calibrate the gauge, and you can calibrate system error of the probe using basic calibration method.
  9. Five statistical data: Mean Value, Maximum Value, Minimum Value, Measurement, Standard Deviation.

Measuring Material:
  1. Non magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates (such as aluminum, chromium, copper, zinc, tin,rubber, paint on the steel, iron, alloy and magnetic steel) . (Fe)
  2. Non conductive coating on non magnetic metal (such as rubber, plastic, paint, oxide on aluminum, copper, zinc, tin) . (NFe)

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Alat Uji Coating Thickness 220/221/222

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Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness

Instrument Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness Gauge - Leeb 220/221/222

Alat Uji Coating Thickness Seri 220 merupakan alat uji yang digunakan untuk mengukur ketebalan cat, perbedaan dengan seri 210 adalah pada seri ini, probe dapat diganti-ganti sesuai order, selain itu pada seri 222 dapat digunakan langsung 2 probe magnetic induction dan eddy current.

Alat Uji ketebalan cat coating thickness leeb 222
Coating Thickness - Leeb 222

Berikut adalah fitur dari Alat Uji Coating Thickness 220/221/222

  1. English menu.
  2. Two patterns of working: pattern of direct and pattern of group.
  3. Two methods of power off: Manual & Automatically.
  4. Show battery information in real time.
  5. Limit settings: alarm if one of the measurement data is beyond of the limits.
  6. Deleting function: You can delete one of the doubtful data and you can also delete all of data in the memory to prepare for new measurement.
  7. Saving function: capable of 500 sets of measurement value.
  8. Two optional methods available to calibrate the gauge, and you can calibrate system error of the
  9. probe using basic calibration method.
  10. Five statistical data: Mean Value, Maximum Value, Minimum Value, Measurement, Standard Deviation.

Measuring Material:

  1. Non magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates (such as aluminum, chromium, copper, zinc, tin, rubber, paint on the steel, iron, alloy and magnetic steel) . (Fe)
  2. Non conductive coating on non magnetic metal (such as rubber, plastic, paint, oxide on aluminum, copper, zinc, tin) . (NFe)

Spek Alat Uji ketebalan cat coating thickness

Applikasi Industry

1. Metal Industry
2. Automotive Industry
3. Spare part and manufacture
4. Universities
5. Etc

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Alat Uji Coating Thickness 210/211

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Alat Uji ketebalan cat coating thickness gauge

Instrument Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness Gauge - Leeb 210/211

Alat Uji Protable Coating Thickness merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur ketebalan cat tanpa merusak lapisan cat (Non Destructive). Cara kerja alat ini dapat menggunakan magnetic induction untuk Fe dan menggunkan eddy current untuk non Fe.

Fitur Coating Thickness Leeb 210/211

  1. English menu.
  2. With settled probe.
  3. Two methods of power off: Manual & Automatically.
  4. Show battery information in real time.
  5. Limit settings: alarm if one of the measurement data is beyond of the limits.
  6. Deleting function: You can delete one of the doubtful data and you can also delete all of data in the memory to prepare for new measurement.
  7. Saving function: capable of 500 sets of measurement value.
  8. Five statistical data: Mean Value, Maximum Value, Minimum Value, Measurement, Standard Deviation.

Measuring Material:
  1. Non magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates (such as aluminum, chromium, copper, zinc, tin, rubber, paint on the steel, iron, alloy and magnetic steel) . (Fe)
  2. Non conductive coating on non magnetic metal (such as rubber, plastic, paint, oxide on aluminum, copper, zinc, tin) . (NFe)
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Alat Uji Coating Thickness 242

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Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness Gauge

Instrument Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating thickness gauge with Printer - Leeb 242

Alat Uji coating thickness 242 berbeda dari versi sebelumnya, dimana pada alat ini telah dilengkapi output ke pc dan printer bahkan bisa wireless printer.Alat Uji Ketebalan cat ini sangat tepat bagi anda yang membutuhkan kepraktisan dalam mengambil data dengan hasil on site.

Fitur alat uji coating thickness leeb 242
  1. Two patterns of working: pattern of direct and pattern of group.
  2. Automatic proofreading zero correction error, system.
  3. Data transmission: USB, can be connected to the PC.
  4. Wireless printing available.
  5. Two methods of power off: Manual & Automatically.
  6. Limit settings: alarm if one of the measurement data is beyond of the limits.
  7. Deleting function: You can delete one of the doubtful data and you can also delete all of data in the memory to prepare for new measurement.
  8. Saving function: capable of 500 sets of measurement value.
  9. Two optional methods available to calibrate the gauge, and you can calibrate system error of the probe using basic calibration method.
  10. Five statistical data: Mean Value, Maximum Value, Minimum Value, Measurement, Standard Deviation.

Measuring Material:
  1. Non magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates (such as aluminum, chromium, copper, zinc, tin, rubber, paint on the steel, iron, alloy and magnetic steel) . (Fe)
  2. Non conductive coating on non magnetic metal (such as rubber, plastic, paint, oxide on aluminum, copper, zinc, tin) . (NFe)

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Alat Uji Surface Roughness 451/452

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Alat Uji Kekasaran Permukaan Surface Roughness Leeb 451/452

Instrument Alat Uji Kekasaran Surface Roughness - Leeb 451/452

Instrument alat uji kekasaran permukaan benda atau surface roughness meruapakan alat yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kekasaran material, hal ini berkaitan dengan friksi yang mungkin terjadi serta proses mobilisasi benda serta pengaruh terhadap cetakan apabila benda tersebut untuk mencetak.

Fitur Surface Roughness merek leeb 451/452
  1. Metal case, stronger and anti-electromagnetic interference .
  2. Adapts high speed DSP processor to get fast reaction .
  3. OLED color display, high light, no visual angle and wide temperature, could be used at each
  4. workplace .
  5. Built-in lithium ion chargeable battery
  6. USB for connecting with PC or charging .
  7. Auto power off and low power consumption design .
  8. Transducer has production gate to guarantee the accuracy of testing .
  9. Optimized electric circuit design with transducer structure design, high integrate power, driver and display.
  10. Select freely with Ra, Rz, Rq, Rt parameters.
  11. It could test excircle, flat surface, conical surface and also test groove with length and width larger than 80*30mm.

Applikasi Surface Roughness
  1. Mechanical processing manufacturing industry, especially metal processing manufacturing.Non-metallic processing and manufacturing.
  2. It can measure kinds of machining surface, including: oil pump nozzle matching surface of cylinder head, crankshaft, camshaft, cylinder, cylinder liner, cylinder, piston hole and surface roughness. At the same time can be applied to the PS version of measurement, online detection for setting and adjustment of the machine tool, tool wear loose or machining process.

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