Alat Uji Coating Thickness 220/221/222

Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness

Instrument Alat Uji Ketebalan Cat Coating Thickness Gauge - Leeb 220/221/222

Alat Uji Coating Thickness Seri 220 merupakan alat uji yang digunakan untuk mengukur ketebalan cat, perbedaan dengan seri 210 adalah pada seri ini, probe dapat diganti-ganti sesuai order, selain itu pada seri 222 dapat digunakan langsung 2 probe magnetic induction dan eddy current.

Alat Uji ketebalan cat coating thickness leeb 222
Coating Thickness - Leeb 222

Berikut adalah fitur dari Alat Uji Coating Thickness 220/221/222

  1. English menu.
  2. Two patterns of working: pattern of direct and pattern of group.
  3. Two methods of power off: Manual & Automatically.
  4. Show battery information in real time.
  5. Limit settings: alarm if one of the measurement data is beyond of the limits.
  6. Deleting function: You can delete one of the doubtful data and you can also delete all of data in the memory to prepare for new measurement.
  7. Saving function: capable of 500 sets of measurement value.
  8. Two optional methods available to calibrate the gauge, and you can calibrate system error of the
  9. probe using basic calibration method.
  10. Five statistical data: Mean Value, Maximum Value, Minimum Value, Measurement, Standard Deviation.

Measuring Material:

  1. Non magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates (such as aluminum, chromium, copper, zinc, tin, rubber, paint on the steel, iron, alloy and magnetic steel) . (Fe)
  2. Non conductive coating on non magnetic metal (such as rubber, plastic, paint, oxide on aluminum, copper, zinc, tin) . (NFe)

Spek Alat Uji ketebalan cat coating thickness

Applikasi Industry

1. Metal Industry
2. Automotive Industry
3. Spare part and manufacture
4. Universities
5. Etc

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